目前分類:Daily (190)

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Today's beginning class is how to write a good conclusion,

there are three point that must be followed,

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Today is another teacher, Liz come to teach us.

And the beginning is the same as last week, fun presentation

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Just keep studying and reading a lot of books,

and try to find out some good material to be my reference,

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Forget about the weakness of yesterday,

dry the eyes, prepare all the equipment which you need.

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It is a raining day in the begining...

and I may have chance to study, but think about the tour is arranged by school,

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Our teacher is Liz,

    She is from Scottland, so sometimes she has little Scottish accent let us hard to understand.

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Pronouncation is the keypoint of today's class,

but I am little feel boring about this issue,

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This is the 7th class of my pre session course,

basically, all the student already pass the quilify of entrance, we just come here to adapt new environment.

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Now I just look at the sky, and think about today. . .

The class started from 9 AM and finished at 1 PM, then have a simple lunch.

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